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옷과 신발을 수선하면 보조금을 준다고? - 프랑스 이야기 전 세계에서 매년 판매되는 의류・신발・침구류는 1000억여 개에 달합니다. 이 중 프랑스에서는 1인당 연간 10.5kg를 소비하며 매년 70만 톤의 의류가 버려지고 이 중 3분의 2는 매립된다고 해요. 지난 7월 12일 프랑스 생태전환부 장관 베랑제르 쿠야르(Bérangère Couillard)는 다가오는 10월부터 신발이나 옷을 수선하면 6~25유로(약 8,500~35,000원) 사이의 보조금을 지급한다고 발표했어요. 예를 들어, 신발 굽을 갈면 7유로(약 1만 원), 재킷이나 스커트 등의 안감을 가는 데에는 10~25유로(약 14,000~35,000원)가 지급됩니다. 프랑스 정부는 향후 5년간 이 보조금에 1억 5천4백만 유로(약 2,184억 원)의 자금을 투입한다고 해요. 프랑스의 수선 보조금 정책.. 2023. 7. 29.
Financing for oil at this time Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, 196 countries agreed to limit global warming to well below 2ºC, preferably to 1.5ºC compared to pre-industrial levels. The countries submitted plans for climate action known as nationally determined contributions(NDCs) and long-term development strategies for low greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. Many countries scrambled to promise to achieve net-zero carbon emiss.. 2023. 6. 25.
Greenwashing If you go to Zara stores, you sometimes see a box collecting used clothes. They collect old clothes to recycle as one of their social and environmental commitments. I had a look into Zara Korea’s website to find out more about their commitments. Firstly, there was no store information that has a collecting bin. And there is no detailed information or evidence about how they recycle them. Zara al.. 2023. 6. 20.
Living in Korea as a woman Since I came back to Korea from Vietnam in October 2021, I have met a lot of friends and former colleagues. But I still haven’t seen my best friends from middle school. They are all married and have one or two kids. Two of them who have two kids don’t have a job and one of them who has a kid works as a lawyer. Apparently, they are always too busy taking care of their kids and work in this Covid .. 2023. 6. 19.